The best thing about being a December baby is the birthday gifts that wait until spring. Like your shiny new red tricycle. Built for toddlerhood. You're ready to ride.
The best thing about birthday gifts are the hidden lessons that come with it. Like learning how to share with your best friend.
I'm 35 & there are so many things I love. Typewriter font. Tattoos. Coconut everything. Lyrics, sunshine, roadtrips, sarcasm, & ampersands. Navy blue dresses. Feathers. Fitness. Collecting iPhone cases. Ephemera. Birds. Patina & chipping paint. Front porches. Stationary, coffee, coffee, coffee. Cheap sunglasses, cheap wine. Buttery brown leather. Handwriting & layers of vintage necklaces. Lace. Goats. Water. Salt. Avocados, citrus fruit, locker baskets, Trader Joe's, chocolate chip banana bread, library books, & stories. I love my people as fiercely as I can, and am unapologetic for it. This is my life & it's rad.
The Lil' Dude
A seven-year-old dynamo who never meets a stranger, nor cardboard box she doesn't love. Craves sleep, CheezIts, art, her people, making a difference, and singing her heart out. She's better than anything on any Starbucks menu.
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