Photo creditI wouldn't really call this a phase, because it's something you've always done.
You tell the truth. You can't lie. It makes me wonder if everyone starts out in life telling the truth, because they don't know the difference? You at three are just incapable of lying.
Sunday night we baked cookies. And, in a decision that I should have put more thought into, we did this before dinner. Imagine the shock and horror you felt when I told you only one cookie before eating. You lost your shit.
You turned around on the kitchen stool, until you faced the wall, and crossed your arms emphatically. Your bottom lip protruded all the way to there.
I held your face in my hands, explaining to you that there could be more cookies after dinner was over and done with, but you wanted no part. You jumped off your stool, and hollered at me,
I am going to YOUR room to pout AND cry!
And that's exactly where you were 20 minutes later, when Daddy went to get you. Pouting. Crying. Huffing mightily in our walk-in closet. In the dark.
I didn't ask you to calm down, I didn't ask you to apologize. And I definitely didn't give you a cookie!
Because you didn't do anything wrong. Sure, your reaction may have been a little dramatic, but you're young and learning how to deal with your emotions, so I get it. I'm learning right with you.
But, the midst of your breakdown, I can tell you I was satisfied with your honest outburst. You told me you were going to pout, and you did. You told the truth, no matter if I wanted to hear it or not.
And yes, you're little. Your truths are little. But, the truth will always, always, always be bigger than any lie. I hope you remember that, day in and day out. How easy it is to lie. Don't think you have to lie to protect me, or yourself, from anything. The truth may hurt ... it might hurt like Hell. But, lil' dude, lies are always worse. I'm going to try to impart that on you now, because I suspect I'll be imparting that on you forever.
Just as your Papa has always said to me, the two worst type of people in this world are liars and cheaters. He's been imparting that on me for three decades.
So be neither. Be bigger, be braver.