Sunday, June 17, 2012

Daddy Man

You give her horseback rides on the linoleum even though your knees are screaming.
You always let her stay up until halftime.
She skipped a trip to Target with me this morning so she could stay home with you.
You hold her more accountable than I do.
Something she'll thank you for someday.
I can be in Texas for 5 straight days without her worrying.
You go golfing across town for 5 hours and she paces and paces, looking out the window for your truck.
Happy Hour with you at the Ultimate is her Holy Grail.
And you let her have your very last Cadbury Egg of this season's stash.

Ever since that cold December day you prepared to welcome a son, our little sprite of a girl has nestled her way perfectly into your heart. She looks like you and acts like me. She's our perfect storm.

Thank you, for her, and for us.
And showing a girl how good guys really are out there.
Right here, actually.

Mama loves.

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